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Hey there! 


I’m Becky, the artist & graphic designer behind Becky’s Art House. 


After losing several people in my life to suicide and experiencing multiple traumas, I was diagnosed with several debilitating mental illnesses. These included PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, CPTSD and eating disorders. From rock bottom, and being unable to leave my house most days, I decided I could no longer continue the life I was living. I threw myself into my recovery with no real hope that things would get better. 


I had never met anyone who had faced similar traumas to myself and recovered, and so I decided that if I made it through, It would be my responsibility to be that voice. 


One year ago, I began solo travelling to prove to myself that I could. I didn’t stop travelling, and became a full time artist in the process. 


Now my work and my life, is a reflection of my recovery. I aim wholeheartedly to provide hope to others who are in difficult situations, de-stigmatise mental illnesses and shout as loudly as I can through my work and life, that recovery is out there. 


I’m actively pursuing jobs that focus on this: murals to speak about mental illness, and raise a voice for suicide prevention. 


All jobs however, keep me supported as an artist and keep me working towards this goal. So, don’t be afraid to reach out with any projects or ideas that you might have. 


I’m also actively seeking sponsorship from businesses to create these murals in public spaces. 



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